Friday 1 August 2014

Disappearing Tarn

So...where did all that rain disappear to all so suddenly?? THAT was the true question. Hobart Town had been engulfed by a wet soggy blanket for the past week or so, and many a hapless plan had been quashed as a direct result. To counter this, we decided to divert our attention back to our trusty ol' mate Mt Wello for a simple dash up the hill and into the thick of the snow. I'd already visited the Disappearing Tarn on a number of occasions, and all bar one encounter left me disappointed. That day was surreal; and the waters sparkled all so translucently clear like none I'd ever seen before. It was magic - and I'd been hoping ever since for a reunion. Today was to be that day...or so I believed - and I carried the further hopes of a bunch of adventurous followers heavy upon my shoulders.

Winter walkers near Disappearing Tarn
The access road was closed off at Fern Tree, so we had to wander a further 30 minutes up hill to meet the normal access route at The Springs. Even by now we were wallowing in the white powder, and I copped a few snow balls from a few sneaky suckers. Everyone was out having a ball; and the width of the road had been transformed into a makeshift ski slope.

Snow ball fights at The Springs
We braved on along the network of tracks, and began skirting the slopes of the mountain. It was quite a task to follow the route at times, as the build up of snow had weighted and drooped many of the peripheral shrubberies. But the walking was spectacular, and everything seemed to have a mystical presence about it.

White winter wonderland!!
On reaching the tarn, I was well hungry and edgy with anticipation. I'd brought along my snorkel & wet suit; in high hopes of being the first winter warrior to tackle the depths of the pool. Turns out, the Disappearing Tarn had disappeared for reals. There was hardly a drop in the thing!! All the rain which we'd recently got in Hobart had turned to snow & settled at this high altitude. How could I have been so stupid!! In a few sunny days the goods would be a neck deep reach, but for now it resembled a mere meager mud puddle. But we were happy. Cold, wet, hungry & tired but happy. Now we just had to walk back. Back again, only to have to come back again...or maybe again. The tarn always wins out after all Hooray!!

Ohhh is our disappeared tarn!!

Walk details:-

Grade - Easy (More difficult in the snow!!)
Time - 3 - 4 hours
Starting Point - Fern Tree or The Springs
Map - Mt Wellington Walks Map

Report by Nick Morgan

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous photos! Disappearing Tarn is a lovely spot when there's water in it, but is apparently even more magical when there's snow!
